AmigaOS3.5 (904/967)

From:Jim Belcher
Date:26 May 2000 at 17:05:57
Subject:Solution to Strange OS3.5 installation problem

>> I've tried to install OS3.5, both over a previous
>> installation of OS3.5, and
>> over a virgin 3.1 installation. The pre-installation runs, but when I
>> attempt to do the main installation, the machine boots, and everything
>> looks normal. However, when I try to do the rest of the
>> installation, the
>> installer says the pre-installation hasn't been done. This is
>> on my A4000.
>> Any ideas?
> Check the version of Workbench (see About menu) and it should be v44
> also, check that Setpatch v44 has been installed (run setpatch again in
> shell).
> Peter

Colin also suggested that I check to see if I had 3.1 ROMs installed, and I
appreciate the ideas from both of these gentlemen. <humiliatiion mode> As
so often happens, as soon as I publicly admitted my problem, I stumbled on
something which solved it. ;-) </humiliation mode>

What I don't know - yet, anyway - is why it solved it. I did have 3.1 roms
installed. I'm less certain about setpatch, but I have reason to believe
that possibility was also excluded.

.. I tried installing over a 3.5 system which had quit working.
.. I tried installing 3.0 from disk, and installing 3.1 over that from both
floppy and CD.
.. I tried installing 3.1 directly from both floppy and CD.

In each case, 3.5 would say it did the preliminary installation from CD, but
would then say it hadn't, when I tried to do the man 3.5 installation.

I finally did another virgin installation of 3.1, copying the files from CD
to the workbench disk manually - that is, not using the installer. When I
did the 3.5 installation that time, it worked. Why, I'm not sure. I'd used
two different installers - the one on the old system, and the one on the
3.1 floppy disks. So that doesn't seem to be the candidate. But something
about the installation was flakey!

In any event, it now works. Many thanks for the suggestions and help!



Jim Belcher
BS, MS, A&P/IA and other stuff
A2000/030 communications processor
A4000/060 VLAB/fast-wide SCSI
Mac Quadra 800 paperweight
AMD KII-450 advanced doorstop
IBM Pentium doorstop


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